Join my AGLOCO Network and start earning today!
What is AGLOCO?
AGLOCO is a new concept of Internet Marketing. Even more, it's a new concep of using the Internet, where not only you surf the web, but also get paid to do it.
AGLOCO - which stands for A Global Community - was inspired by a recent Internet trend called Social Networks, sites where the content is generated by the users. For example: You Tube, My Space, Flickr, etc. The business and publicity potential of these networks is immense. Take the recent deal where Google purchased You Tube for over a billion dollars for example.
The problem is that the user generates the content but get nothing for it. How could the users get a piece of this huge profit?
Enter AGLOCO, which has been created to be Internet's first Economic Network, using the potencial of a Social Network, but also sharing the profits among the members !
How does AGLOCO generates revenue ?
AGLOCO generates it's revenue mainly by selling ads. Announcers pay AGLOCO to show their ads to the mebers of the network. Ads are shown in the Viewbar, a software that you install on your computer, that shows a small bar just above Windows taskbar.
On this bar, besides the ads, there's a search box (similar to the Google search box embedded in most browsers). When you make a search through the Viewbar, AGLOCO is payed a commission by the search engine.
Another way of generating revenue is when an AGLOCO member purchases a service of product through the Viewbar.
How do I get paid ?
AGLOCO members are paid by the time they surf the Internet with the Viewbar open. The more you use the Viewbar, the more you get paid.
There is a limit of 5 hours a month. That's only 10 minutes a day during 30 days, or 1 hour a day for 5 days. That's pretty reasonable. After completing the 5 hours/month, additional time will not be considered until next month, which means you may simply turn the Viewbar off until next month.
Besides using the Viewbar, you can reffer friends and increase your earnings !
How can I reffer friends ?
When you sing up, you receive a member ID and a link that you can send to your friends. The link looks like http://www.agloco.com/r/BBDG1683, where BBDG1683 is replaced by your own member ID.
When your friend joins through your link, he or she becomes part of your AGLOCO Network, and you will also get paid for the hours that your referrals surf with the Viewbar open. And if your friend referrs someone, you also get paid by their hours, down to 4 levels, as shown below:

The more people you reffer,the bigger your network and your earnings
Joining is free, you pay nothing to be a part of AGLOCO.
Join now and begin building your network!